Ingrad Energo d.o.o

“INGRAD ENERGO” is the enterprise with its basic activity of engineering on thermo-energetic objects, thermo-technical and gas installations. This means the phases, starting from proposing the decisions, over the production of the project-technical documentation and installation to maintenance of the system in exploitation.
The enterprise was established in 2001., in Loznica, and from the very beginning, it was occupied with remount works of the technological energetic systems and the manufacture of the thermo-technical installations.
The enterprise presented itself as worthy partner in realization of the construction of the most important production capacities by compilation of the planned documentation, with the installation of the technological and energetic equipment for the objects like the forge “Farmakom”, Sabac, the production section “VALY” - Valjevo, and , as well, the Italian Company “Golden Lady”.
By participation in the construction of the thermo-energetic factory in Germany “HK WALSUM” 820 MW, where we installed the first gas reactor “DeNox” in Europe, as well as the performed remounts on the thermo power plants “Oslomej” – Kicevo (replacing the pipe arches of the RB line of the steam ducts) and Bitolj (replacing the steam armature in the turbine hall, remount of the canals for charring the boilers and fan mills) gave us the position at these markets as the reliable partner on the most responsible jobs in the construction and maintenance of the thermo energetic factories. We have been present, in the frame of EPS, on maintaining of the pipeline of the height and low pressure in the Panonic Generating Stations and as well as, on maintaining in the Drina – Lim, Hydroelectric power stations, since 2009., in Serbia.
All aspects of the thermo- technical installations present the field where we, in the previous period, realized very rich reference, with important domestic companies and, as well, in domestic construction of flats. Especially, the field, to which, during the last three years, we paid attention, was the exploitation of the restorable sources of energy ( geo-thermal and solar energy), where we have already possessed about 10000m2, successfully served with that energetic source. By the development of the distributive gas network in Serbia, we completed the most important needs of the distributive enterprise in Loznica “Loznica Gas”, as well as, in the planning part (planned over 100 km of distributive of gas network), in such a way, on the installation of the steel part DGM. It was realized the gasification of the most important industrial consumers, in Loznica, as well, through the construction of the new systems and through the conversion of the present consumers, as well.
A significant volume of work we have accomplished with the Italian partners in the Fabbrica Automobili Serbia-FAS in Kragujevac on assembly of steel constructions and thermo-technical installations.
In the previous period, the enterprise INGRAND ENERGO showed that it was the reliable partner with needs of the consumers as the basis of business.